Additional Resources

Additional information that supplements some of our messages and discussion topics, etc.


Spring 2021 Series: Faith, Hope, and Love: Flourishing in the Midst of Adversity

Here is a schedule of the topics and chapters we will be looking at each week as we look at Paul’s “Prison Epistles”. As we go through each week, links to the respective sermons will be added. (You can find recordings of all other past sermons on the Listen page.)

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Winter 2021 Series: The Gospel According to Matthew: Jesus & the Revolution

Here is a schedule of the topics and chapters we will be looking at each week as we look at the life of Jesus from Matthew’s perspective. As we go through each week, links to the respective sermons will be added. (You can find recordings of all other past sermons on the Listen page.)


Neighboring Information (March 2020)

Here are a couple articles that were shared with us, which may be of interest:

Public Health Impact of Supportive Neighborhoods
Link to spotlight on America’s Health Rankings by United Health Foundation website

Neighborhood Characteristics and Depression: An Examination of Stress Processes
Link to article on National Center for Biotechnology Information website, by Carolyn E. Cutrona, Gail Wallace, and Kristin A. Wesner

Public Health Impact of Supportive NeighborhoodsNeighborhood Characteristics and Depression: An Examination of Stress Processes

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Gospel of John Series Schedule for Spring 2020

Here is a schedule of chapters and topics that we will be following as we study through the gospel of John during the first part of this year. We will be looking at the seven “I am” statements as we study through the book.

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Exodus Series Schedule for Fall 2019

If you would like to know what’s coming up as we study through the book of Exodus and beyond, here is a schedule of weekly topics that will be happening this fall.

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Acts Series Reading Schedule for Summer of 2019

If you would like to read along through Acts with us this summer, here is the schedule that the sermons will be following each week throughout the summer.